2013 has been such a strange and emotional year, really rubbish on the most part to be honest. Not much has gone the right way for any body I know. So as you can imagine this will be a very happy post haha, it will, i promise and this way you can get to know a little more about me too.
Near enough all of January I was very ill, I didn't leave my bed much let alone the house. I suppose the only good thing about being that ill at that time was not having to go out and brave all the snow we was having at the start of the year, not a great fan of snow... I met Ashley when I was working the December before & that January, we got together at the end of the month. He was there for me every day when I was ill and he made my days brighter just him being there. I was all better at the start of February and celebrated Valentines day in style,going for a meal and having lots of little presents, including my Union Jack Ipod case. I got back into the blogging spirit around the time of Red Nose Day and started gaining new followers. Thank you. After months of applying and looking for jobs, I finally got a temporary job in May, having my own money again and working with Ashley was a great time and I got my tattoo finished on my stomach.
The end of July was when everything seemed to fall apart, I lost my best friend and then felt lost myself. Luckily I had family and old friends to support me, I never have properly but I couldn't thank them enough for everything. I tried to pick myself up, getting out the house by being in touch with old friends that I hadn't seen for two years, joining the gym (even though it's been cancelled since, oops) and having my 21st birthday. Buying a Ukulele for my birthday probably wasn't a great idea as I haven't been on it since I realised if I want to play it, I need to cut my nails short... Just after my birthday I had the chance to get away for just under a week alone at my dads, I needed it. just that short time away.
End of August and things got a whole lot better for myself. I got my best friend back and I couldn't of been happier. Oliver (pussy cat) had a little accident, but he was fine, don't worry. I dyed my hair black and pink and just tried to be the happiest I can be since.
There's so many people that I could thank forever for the support and love they have gave me this year. So thank you! The past two years haven't been the best so I'm praying that 2014 will be a much better one, for myself, my family, my friends and all you guys.
Happy 2014!