Sunday, 14 October 2012

Feeling Neglected?

Ooopps, well it's been a good few months now since my last post. Dear me, but personal things do get in the way and haven't felt like i have wanted to blog for a while. Also a lack of a good working computer does not help the situation. 

But i am going to get back into the swing of things soon and try to be patient with the slowest computer known to man. So this is just a quick post to say... "I'll be back" soon :) 

Speak soon. Vicki x

Friday, 20 July 2012

Items of the week - Rings.

So i thought i would put a little something together each week to show different items of the same category (if that makes sense) that i have found & liked. So this week i'm choosing rings, why not :)

As i'm sure people know trying to think of things to blog about can be hard & i don't want to force it because otherwise, whats the point, i won't enjoy it if i'm forcing myself to blog about anything. :) So hopefully you will enjoy this -- i hope. As i did enjoy doing it.


Number 1 - Skeleton Hand Ring  
    This is a ring believe it or not, i am in love with it. Very different and i want it so bad.
Number 2 - Double Anchor Ring   
Number 3 - Peace Ring   
Number 4 - Enchanted Tree Ring     
    How cute and different. Ha :)

Speak soon. Vicki x

Monday, 16 July 2012

Weekend Wishlist .2

Number 1 - Black Dip Hem Skirt - £22.99
Very cute & very in style at the moment.

Number 2 - Sol Cal Flag Holdall Bag - £22
Love this bag, anything with American and English flags on i love.
 --- Except the famous Spice Girls dress. Not so chic. 

Number 3 - Sugar Skull Ring - £7 - Plus Postage.
This ring is so cute, love Sugar Skulls, so obviously i love this.
This was found from a 'Youtube Guru' and blogger, Kate. Check out her blog & online shop as she has loads of cute things to buy. As i have brought from her store before i know it's good quality & worth the money.

Number 4 - Navy Petal Patterned Dress - £34.99
I am in love with this dress, think it is so nice & perfect for a night out.

Number 5 - Ruby Shoo Grey Shoe Boots - £29.99
Love this shoes, think i would get lots of wear out of them as they can be worn at anytime.

Hope you enjoyed & thanks to my new followers. Yay.
Speak soon. Vicki x

Friday, 6 July 2012

Weekend Wishlist .1

Number 1 - Union Jack Purse
Saw this purse the other day whist browsing through Ebay (which i usually do) and seen as my other purse is now falling apart a little. It is time for a new one & this one does fit the bill. With this purse only costing £4.99 and a additional £1.99 for postage, i shall try and invest in it soon.

I discovered this skirt today looking at a clothing website i have  just discovered called Shelikes. I think it looks really nice and i really do want to give the website a go as the clothes are reasonable priced. This skirt only costs £22.99.

Number 3 - London Icon Scarf
I really love this scarf, think that the print on it is so cute and very British! But for me this is a little pricey just for a scarf when I'm used to going to Primark and getting one for £3. (I wonder if they have one in this print, must go look) Cost - £18

Another item from Shelikes, i do like this top a lot & think it is very cute with the little blue bird print on. It's very pretty and for £15 it could look good with so many outfits.

Number 5 - Double Spike Ring
I love rings, especially big statement ring so this really does fit the bill to me. As soon as i saw it i really did 'need' it. I will definitely be buying this very soon. Only downside of this item is that it has a long way to travel from Hong Kong to England, but i think it will be worth the wait. Cost - £3.50 - free delivery... Bargain!

I think this dress is perfect for the summer (with what we have of it) and also autumn with tights and a jacket, would look really nice. They have many colours but this one would have to be my favourite of them all. £19.99 which isn't bad for a dress which is this pretty. 

If any one has shopped at Shelikes  online, do you have any reviews on them? Would be helpful in case i do decide to order from their website. Thank you.

Speak soon. Vicki x

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Good news! (P!nk)

Finally after a long awaited 4 years since Pink released her last album 'Funhouse' ...She's back! 

As i love Pink and have been to see her twice (Once at the Birmingham NIA and the other at Alton Towers) i am excited about this.
She has recently released a video making an announcement of her new single called 'Blow me, one last kiss' which you can watch if you click here

Her new single will be released July 9th, 2012. :) Happyyy.

Speak soon. Vicki x

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Bad blogger,

Well looking at my last post, i still have been neglecting my blog for another month. Not good and i do apologize, But i kind of do have reasons for this, i'm not just being lazy. 
First off, not long after i did my last post, my phone broke so now i can not upload pictures which is never good when trying to do a blog. I am using a phone with a camera now but as it's an old phone that camera is not up to scratch. But hopefully my phone with be back from the insurance in the next 3 weeks. Happy days, feel lost without it at the moment.

My second excuse is that i went on holiday for a week on 2nd of June, so obviously no blogging can be done in a leaky caravan in Rhyl, Wales. It was my first holiday away with my boyfriend which it was really nice to get away for the week. Even if the weather was a little bit like a tsunami that week in Wales.

Thirdly and lastly, as my boyfriend booked 2 weeks off work for our holiday, i have spent most of his second week at his house. As his laptop has a virus at the moment, i haven't been able to do any new posts. 

From now, is a new start and i will be blogging more (fingers crossed)

Speak soon. Vicki x

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Oh dear...

I've been neglecting my blog, which is disappointing, not impressed with myself. Not no more, i shall be keeping on top of this with some new posts very soon.

Got a few blogs I've been thinking about doing for a while, and i have ordered some MUA products so i shall be doing a review on those as i have heard a lot about them & my sister has recommended them to me. So i shall let you know how i get on with those.

I also want to show and explain how i keep and store my jewellery as i have had trouble before keeping my jewellery in a safe place without them getting damaged. So it may give a few tips to people who are struggling with that problem too because i know i was.

I will also be doing a Primark haul soon as i will be going shopping there for my holidays so i will show whats in stock at the moment and hopefully i get some good buys. Which i have no doubt at Primarni.

Speak soon. Vicki x