Tuesday, 25 February 2014

March challenge.

Bringing back my blog with everyday in March having a brand new post for you. A blog post a day for every day in March, sounds like I can do that... Right?
I have nail art posts to show you, tags and other random bits and bobs. My aim for this - to start to talk to bloggers and make new friends. So you shall be hearing a lot from me in March, you'll be sick of me yabbering on. 

Whilst completing the blogging challenge, I shall also be trying to take part in the Plank and Squat challenge. Which is 31 days of fitness to make your butt and thighs tighter but also to make my fitness levels just so much better before I start the gym again next month or so. I shall also be challenging myself to go for a fast walk or jog for half hour every day for the month. So good luck to me for all this! 
I shall be documenting this onto my blogs for the day so if you'd like to hear about how I'm getting on, check out my posts for March. 


  1. Good luck with it! I'm trying a 30 day writing challenge on my blog during March too, always tough finding the time to blog every day, but fun nonetheless :)



    1. Oh that's great, i'll be sure to read every day! It is fun, I always have spells of blogging but i'm going to try my hardest to do this! And the fitness part... We shall see haha.
      Good luck :)

      Vicki x
